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Whats holding you back from your true potential?

Aug 21, 2023

What is holding you back?

The four reasons you might be stuck and how to overcome them.

What is holding you back from having the courage and confidence to be, do and have it all - in your own unique and extraordinary way?

You might not like what I have to say; I am known for my no-BS direct style after all. For me, trust is built by me giving it to you straight.

If you come to me for guidance, clarity, coaching, or facilitation it is my job to cheerlead and challenge you to be the most you human that you can be and to live your best life.

I choose to be myself, and that looks like being kickass and kind, and giving you the truth even when it stings.

The truth is that the reason you aren't living your full and true potential is because of a list of excuses which fall into 4 camps:

1. Doubts

2. Fears

3. Your relationship with Control

4. Stories and beliefs that keep you 'safe'

Essentially you are wired for safety and its keeping you from being happy!

Let's imagine that you want to sell your art, retrain as a Human Design Reader, or help people conquer their fears. Perhaps you have a secret desire to be a model, teach yoga in Bali, or manage a homestead in Costa Rica…

Maybe you long for a day that the business you have been diligently working on for 6 years straight, will flourish entirely on its own and provide you with the freedom you truly desire while continuing to make a positive impact in the world.

Whatever the dream, if it isn’t your reality or you don’t feel like you are well on your way, then there is something holding you back.

You’re not alone. Many people plateau at 'safely' okay.

But do you want to know what is it that is really keeping you stagnant and stuck?

If you want to succeed, if any of us want to succeed, we must become ninjas at overcoming doubt. We must make fear our friend. We must relinquish the control we hold on to so tightly, and reframe our limiting stories.

Doubt is overcome by faith.

Doubt, that you can do it. Doubt, that you’ll be accepted by your family and friends if you change. Doubt, that you’re worth it. Doubt, that you deserve it. Doubt that you’ll even enjoy it once you’re there.

Are all real feelings and real thoughts that run through the minds of real people, just like you and me everyday. BUT, listening to these doubts and making them right, instead of choosing FAITH, instead of believing that you are absolutely deserving and worthy, and that it is all possible and all available for you, is a choice.

Fear is not meant to be overcome, fear is meant to be friended.

Fear, that you’re not enough. Fear, of failure. Fear, of looking silly. Fear of not knowing how.

Fear that you’ll not make enough money to survive, pay your bills or look after your kids. Fear of uncertainty, or being rejected are primal fears, and unless you’re walking down a dark alleyway at night often just aren’t warranted in 2023. You have food, you have shelter, and there isn’t a bear about to enter the cave.

Fear is merely a signpost and shows us that we are entering the unknown and that it’s time to use discernment. Cultivating your discernment muscle is a much better use of your time than unilateral fear will ever be.

There will always be unfavourable circumstances.

Being afraid isn’t going to change that. Believing in yourself and your ability to navigate them will.

Most people blame their circumstances…

“I need more money first.”

“I don’t have the time.” 

“No one will support me” 

“My kids need me” 

“I’m busy with work”

“I don’t have the skills.”

“My partner doesn’t get it.”

“My friends won’t like me anymore.”

Maybe these are circumstances that need changing, but if we dive in deeper - they’re not facts, they are limiting beliefs and stories designed to keep you exactly where you are now, or repeating old patterns of behaviour again and again.

In order to get different results, you need to do something different, more importantly, though, you’re going to need to believe something different.

Choosing to reframe your beliefs and recondition your mind to operate in your favour, is the BIG TRICK that successful people know. 

Whether you believe that life is supposed to be hard, or life is your playground is up to you.

Whether you believe you can, or you can’t is up to you.

What meaning you chose to give to your experience is up to you.

No one can believe your beliefs for you.

Whether you deserve it, comes down to belief.

Ultimately its up to you.

Whether you need permission is up to you.

Whose advice, perspective, reality or paradigm you chose to live from is up to you.

All the should’s, the expectations, the conditions are not real. 

The procrastination, the distraction, is a choice - and could be cured by a better plan, or by modifying your beliefs about what is really possible.

It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.

Its time to stop comparing yourself. Its time to stop limiting yourself. Its time to stop waiting for permission. Its time to stop listening to everyone else but yourself. 

It is time to know that you are here to make your unique magic in the world.

The world needs you, to step up and get over yourself.

Stop waiting for the right time, the time is NOW!

Wake up! Kickass! Be Kind and Repeat….

Stay wild, stay true, always be YOU



P.s I am enrolling 1:1 now and I have two spaces available for neurospicy types who are ready to live their lives to the fullest. Who want to be the most them they can be, and in so doing claim the resource and intimacy that awaits their truth, courage, clarity and alignment. This is a physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual journey of alchemy. Want to know more? message me or go HERE.

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