The Misfit to Maven Way
This is the Misfit to Maven Way, a manifesto, a code of conduct and a commitment....
I love…
fiercely, toughly, tenderly, courageously.
I embrace...
I honour...
my own and others’ safety, boundaries, uniqueness, and truth.
I choose...
to live curiously and to recognise and accept both the shadow and the light in all that is.
I believe...
in miracles, in second chances, in ourselves, in equal but different, in being real and wild and true.
I am committed to...
finding solutions, to deepening my understanding, to keeping the conversation going, to empathy, to compassion, hope and connectedness.
I stand for...
community over competition and participation over perfection.
I speak...
up for what I believe in, even when it’s uncomfortable.
I see...
opportunities, possibilities, perspectives…. and beauty in the little things.
I hear...
a range of voices not just those speaking the loudest.
I look...
for all of what is being said, by everyone. Even when nothing is being said, especially when nothing is being said.
I feel...
connected to my heart, to my soul, to my limitlessness, and to my humanity.
We are the misfits, mystics, geeks, artists, creatives, innovators, intuitives, seers, healers, the minds, and the hearts …
It is easy to feel overwhelmed and scared by all that is going on in the world right now.
It can be tricky not to focus on the problems.
The polarity.
The hate.
The fear.
The destruction of our planet, of our people, our brothers and our sisters, our earth – there is a lot of conflict, fear, disconnection, and disillusionment.
Imagine for a moment a different scenario…
A world where all the biggest hearts, the best brains, the most innovative, creative, soul-led thinkers and action takers have gotten together and talked it all out.
Creatively and collaboratively focusing on solutions to it all.
Imagine for a moment a world with a fairer distribution of wealth, and resources.
Imagine a shift in global consciousness and belief systems where all our brothers and sisters were living respectfully side -by-side.
Where uniqueness was revered.
Where kindness and generosity valued as status is now.
A world were opportunity and possibility were available to all humans regardless of their socioeconomic background, formal education, gender, sexual preference, skin colour, belief system, or physical ability.
A world where each person’s gifts were respected, honoured, and rewarded with the same kudos and recognition.
This world is available to us, if we start to focus on the solution.
If we begin to positively disrupt; if we start a different dialogue.
It begins with you.
The systems of the world are antiquated and broken. And we can either contribute to the problems that we see, or we can start thinking differently and living better.
We’re all part of this global community and it’s time for us to know ourselves better, trust ourselves more and express ourselves more freely and articulately.
The Misfit to Maven Way is made up of eight pillars of practice and a coming together in community to live our values in a way that demonstrates community over competition and participation over perfection…
First comes AWARENESS,
and only then comes ACTION,
and then (AD INFINITUM)
we’re back round at AWARENESS.
It’s an infinity loop; these are the pillars of the Misfit to Maven Way®
I hope that you will join me and become a community of action takers, of kickass and kind motivated misfits and mavens making a difference in this world, by being wild and true.