Feature Ebonie

Meet Ebonie Allard



I am honoured that you thought of me, that you enjoy what I offer the world, and are considering sharing me and my work with your audience.

I am selective about what opportunities I say yes to and priority when scheduling is given to existing clients and paid speaking events. That said, if my schedule allows I would love to connect and build a relationship with you and your community.

Please take a moment to review my company values, guidelines and parameters that are in place, in order to see if we’d be a good fit for each other.


1. Interviews and podcasts (audio/video/written)

2. Select Online Summits, interview series and challenges.

3. Interview style expert sessions or Q & A’s for your group online.

4. Paid, in-person speaking engagements, workshops or sessions for your mastermind, retreat or group.

5. Promoting your event if I am speaking via Instagram stories, plus one grid post, and Facebook at my discretion.

5. Providing a free gift of your choosing as a giveaway


1. Send out a solo email to my list about the interview/event. I only do this with a few select partners per year and those are booked well in advance. I am happy to include a line or two, but it won't be a solo.

2. Accept any invites that ask me for list size. Asking me for list size will make me an automatic no to your request. Size is not indicative of intimacy, engagement or quality. I have been in business for 27 years and value long term, quality relationships. I'm not interested in “transactional only” relationships.

3. Participate in any online and in-person events that do not display diversity and inclusion. (Gender, race, body, age and more) in the speaker lineup. I am not interested in being a part of something that doesn't share a range of perspectives.

4. Create special content for free interviews. If you want me to do the work, I'm happy to; for a fee.

5. Become an affiliate of any program that I have not personally vetted myself (but we are happy to check it out and see if it’s a fit).

6. Hop on a call with you to discuss the requirements of your summit or event — please share the details with my team at [email protected] in the first instance.

7. Pay to be a part of your event, book, film or other opportunity.

8. Participate in anything that offers a fix-all solution, promotes scarcity or any kind of fear-mongering.

9. Participate in events that lack creativity, originality, heart, soul and courage.


I talk on Inner Leadership, Integrated Sovereignty, becoming 'Full of Yourself' by Embodying Your Design and decoding your Soul Contract.

I can talk to Human Design, Astrology, Gene Keys, Numerology + Energetics within professional and personal contexts in a pragmatic and practical way and love to include aspects of integrated shadow work, interoception & full self expression.

There are three main areas I am focused on:

  • EMPOWERMENT: Exploring the stories that you're telling yourself.

I can help your audience get what power really is, let go of fearing theirs and reclaim their personal pure potent power any place, any time.

I can facilitate them to rewrite their story with them as the hero/heroine and have them make it a rich, playful, fun adventure.. and legacy.

  • EMBODIMENT: Exploring the connection between your multiple intelligences and the vitality your operating system.

I can help your audience understand and embody their unique energy and intelligence systems. I pull from Human Design, and mBit (multiple brain integration technique) and share practical tangible ways to fall in love with your unique design (including your physical body) and live your life in life with your incarnation intentions and your highest potential. This includes simplifying Polyvagal Theory and helping your people to understand their nervous system and how to best care for it.

  • FULL SELF-EXPRESSION: Exploring the potency and power of your communication, creativity and collaboration.

See my speaker one pager below for 'talk topics' and know that I am open to collaborating and coming up with something bespoke for your people. I'm passionate about helping your audience to have a perspective shift that leaves that empowered, embodied and expressing themselves with creativity, originality and feeling.

I'll help them make their values their compass, and integrated intelligence the treasure they find.

stay wild, stay true, be more you!

As seen in: 

To Download Ebonie's Speaker 'One Pager ' click the button: 

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