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Gate 19 Human Design
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Human Design Weather Report - Transit Gate 19

Jan 29, 2024
tracking the human design transits

Tracking the Transits

Human Design is the science of differentiation and of the aura. It's a synthesis or blend of five (or six) modalities, originally downloaded by Ra Uru Hu in 1987.

The 4 ancient and esoteric systems are:

1. l-ching / Hexigram

2. Astrology / Zodiac

3. Chakras

4. Kabbalah Tree of Life


5. Quantum mechanics

Which can be broken down into 2 scientific systems:

a.) Neutrinos (invisible particles that make up the mass of the universe these neutrinos imprinted your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic body and created the energetic blueprint for your soul’s journey in this lifetime in a physical body)

b.) Genetics. The gates in Human Design come from the i-ching, and this information has also been transcribed for us by Richard Rudd in The Gene Keys. The data coded into our cells is ancestral and genetically passes from our parents and lineage. Here we can see where particular gates and channels are inherited.


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