Human Design Weather Report - Transit Gate 41

embodiment human design kismet codes transits Jan 21, 2024
tracking the human design transits

Tracking the Transits

Human Design is the science of differentiation and of the aura. It's a synthesis or blend of five (or six) modalities, originally downloaded by Ra Uru Hu in 1987.

The 4 ancient and esoteric systems are:

1. l-ching / Hexigram

2. Astrology / Zodiac

3. Chakras

4. Kabbalah Tree of Life


5. Quantum mechanics

Which can be broken down into 2 scientific systems:

a.) Neutrinos (invisible particles that make up the mass of the universe these neutrinos imprinted your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic body and created the energetic blueprint for your soul’s journey in this lifetime in a physical body)

b.) Genetics. The gates in Human Design come from the i-ching, and this information has also been transcribed for us by Richard Rudd in The Gene Keys. The data coded into our cells is ancestral and genetically passes from our parents and lineage. Here we can see where particular gates and channels are inherited.

The transition from (gate 60) Acceptance to Contraction (gate 41) 

From 22nd - 27th January, the sun transits gate 41, this transit is one of evaluating potentials. Feeling the contraction, that fuels the start... (of something new.) 

This code is one of daring, to dream, and to go after our dreams - knowing the right time to move. 

From 60, located in the colon we move to gate 41 in our adrenals. 

The pressure continues, we’ve let go, we’ve accepted, we’ve made space... and it feels good! 

Sometimes, the pressure is just right 

Code 41 carries the sensations of confidence and hope to go on, so that you do not give up prematurely.

In right relationship this time says ‘Imagine it intensely, and expect nothing.’  

Surrender entirely to the new cycle and new experience without expectation.  

Date Sign Element Physiology Archetype
22nd - 27th January Aquarius Air Adrenals The Future Fueler
The Magical Mutation Master

From January 22nd - 27th the sun transits gate 41 and invites us lean into the desire to feel something different and new!

This code is located in root centre (adrenals) and is about imagining, fantasising, daydreaming, with such intensity that it moves you. (Together with code 30 located in the emotional solar plexus, it makes the channel of recognition.) 

Pressure here isn’t a bad thing, it fuels feeling, and the desire for new experience. It’s really about identifying the correct moment to move. 

Because it’s emotional energy it needs time for clarity. Think divine inspiration. It can be very sexy and fun, but don’t indulge your fantasy without waiting for the right timing. 

Located in your adrenals code 41 is in the Root Centre and asks us what excites us? And, which of these hopes and dreams are we moved by?

Notice if you are just dreaming, are stuck in the future, or are afraid to act in the direction of your dreams.

In right relationship, code 41 is the energy for honouring one’s hopes and dreams and seeing them through to fulfilment. 

Code 41 sees visions of a brighter future and can use the mind as a playground of creativity, big dreams, and visions of a brighter future.

The Shadow frequency gets stuck in daydreams and imagines worse case scenarios. Careful not to get stuck in feedback loops that keep you in states of suffering. 

We all get stuck in certain patterns of doing things, which goes on feeding the same behaviour. Look for the breakout. Sense the time and place to hop timelines to a completely new experience, anticipate an entirely new cycle and move, and it shall be yours.

Questions for you to contemplate...

  • How realistic are my fantasies? 
  • What do I dare to dream about?
  • What would the next level of fulfilment feel like?
  • This code is one of daring to dream, and to go after our dreams - knowing the right time to move.
  • Code 41 sees visions of a brighter future and can use the mind as a playground of creativity, big dreams, and visions of a brighter future.
  • Patience is an important virtue AND, as always, let your strategy and authority guide you.
  • Code 41 works with its programming partner code 31 (leadership) giving us an opportunity to stay humble and know when to move.
  • While also being in channel with code 30 (feelings) where we let ourselves lit up by the intensity.
  • Code 41 carries the sensations of confidence and hope to go on, so that you do not give up prematurely. 

Embodiment Practice

You are asked to pause.

Inhale. Exhale. 

Let yourself be in the here and now.


Tune into your body, what do you need to feel rested and at peace right now? 

Give it to yourself. 

More water, less sugar, a good nights sleep and a nourishing meal. 

Ebonie 'alchemy' Allard

Ebonie 'alchemy' Allard

Ebonie Allard, aka Ebonie Alchemy because she helps you to transmute your 💩 into gold. An Emotional Manifesting Generator 5/2 with LAX of Distraction - It's her purpose to help you know what to trust and what to tune out! A late-diagnosed AuDHDer with a special interest in psychospiritual development, holistic well-being and self-actualisation her approach to Human Design is integrative, bringing together deep embodied knowledge and experience of somatic awareness, nervous system regulation, neuroception, Astrology, numerology, the Chakra System, energetic alchemy and her gift for story crafting to help you GLOW UP and become FULL OF YOURSELF.

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