Tracking the Transits
Human Design is the science of differentiation and of the aura. It's a synthesis or blend of five (or six) modalities, originally downloaded by Ra Uru Hu in 1987.
The 4 ancient and esoteric systems are:
1. l-ching / Hexigram
2. Astrology / Zodiac
3. Chakras
4. Kabbalah Tree of Life
5. Quantum mechanics
Which can be broken down into 2 scientific systems:
a.) Neutrinos (invisible particles that make up the mass of the universe these neutrinos imprinted your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic body and created the energetic blueprint for your soul’s journey in this lifetime in a physical body)
b.) Genetics. The gates in Human Design come from the i-ching, and this information has also been transcribed for us by Richard Rudd in The Gene Keys. The data coded into our cells is ancestral and genetically passes from our parents and lineage. Here we can see where particular gates and channels are inherited.
The transition from (gate 61) Inner Truth to Acceptance (gate 60)
From January 17th - 22nd, the sun transits gate 60 and invites us to accept our truth, and embrace the discomfort of setting new boundaries and letting go.
This code is connected to the colon and is about letting go of the old and creatively mutating towards what comes next. We’ve come from code 61 in the head, back down into the centre of our root, to experience sitting with the pulsating sensations of pressure and right timing.
Pressure here isn’t a bad thing, it guides us into being ready to move. Mutate. Transmute. Create anew.
Connect in with the correct amount of pressure for you. Align with your own personal ‘goldilocks’ of limitations, structures and/or rules that has you being optimally you... and let go of anything that no longer serves this evolution of you.
Date |
Sign |
Element |
Physiology |
Archetype |
17th - 22nd January |
Capricorn / Aquarius |
Earth to Air |
Colon |
The Magical Mutation Master |
From January 17th - 22nd, the sun transits gate 60 and invites us to accept our truth, and embrace the discomfort of setting new boundaries and letting go.
This code is connected to the colon and is about letting go of the old and creatively mutating towards what comes next. We’ve come from code 61 in the head, back down into the centre of our root, to experience sitting with the pulsating sensations of pressure and right timing.
Pressure here isn’t a bad thing, it guides us into being ready to move. Mutate. Transmute. Create anew.
Connect in with the correct amount of pressure for you. Align with your own personal ‘goldilocks’ of limitations, structures and/or rules that have you being optimally you... and let go of anything that no longer serves this evolution of you.
Located in your colon code 60 is in the Root Centre and asks us to sit with feelings of pressure (anger, grief, sadness, melancholy, apathy, resistance) and rather than forcing change, allowing it... by accepting and letting go.
Questions for you to contemplate...
- Notice what feels limiting to you, can you accept it?
- Can you find a creative way over, round or through? If it isn’t possible externally, is there a way internally (through acceptance? - which might look like patience...)
How can I change the rules so that I feel more successful now
Which structures, containers, rules, or limitations are going to be ‘just right’ in supporting my creativity, liberation and evolution?
Limitation is not a bad thing, sometimes it is the solidity you need to in order to transmute.
Located in the Colon (Root Centre, channeled towards the Sacral) this code delivers access to the right timing, and right pressure to move or mutate - it offers you the opportunity for evolution of your life force.
Code 60 works with its programming partner code 56 (stimulation) and grounds us into reality with the limitations of life.
- What boundaries, limits and containment do you need to evolve well?
- What is it time to accept and let go of?
- Who am I now? Who am I not?
- What makes me feel safe? What are my fears?
- What is motivating me to move? What am I stimulated by?
Embodiment Practice
Bring a hand to your belly and your awareness to the intelligence of your gut-brain.
Focus on the something that you would like to feel better about, or let go of, and in this moment allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling as you focus on it.
1. Name the feeling (as best you can) See it as a colour, or an image or an awareness of another sort.
2. Ask yourself the following three questions:
- Could I let this feeling go?
- Could I allow this feeling to be here?
- Could I welcome this feeling?
And now ask yourself: When?
Listen to the answer and if you are ready, as if you are dropping a pencil, let it go.
What are Human Design Gates or Gene Keys?
In Human Design, the Gates are the numbers in each Centre of the Bodygraph. These Gates lead to other Gates; making Channels. Each gate correlates to the Hexigram of the i-ching and the Gene Keys. These and my Kismet Codes are the fundamental codes of consciousness and offer an inner journey of awareness, enlightenment and evolution.
Each Gate is a portal of energy, which is experienced on a spectrum (light and shadow) and is best understood by a representative archetype.
They detail the 64 codons of our DNA - which connect our beautiful bodies with the incredible cosmos and the logic of magic on a cellular level, via the neutrinos in our cells.
What makes a Human Design Gate defined or undefined?
Each of the Human Design Gates corresponds to just under six astrological degrees and the exact degree determines the line the gate is in. Each of the six lines is just under an astrological degree.
At any given time, each of the 13 placements in Human Design is “transiting” a gate and your chart is a snapshot of those transits at the time of your birth.
With 64 gates having 6 lines each, there are 384 possibilities for each placement in the chart.
Your defined human design gates are the energies that you have reliable and consistent access to. Your undefined human design gates are the energies that are inconsistently available to you; they are portals into deep wisdom and discernment.
The Kismet Codes Oracle Deck - coming soon!
Ebonie 'alchemy' Allard
Ebonie Allard, aka Ebonie Alchemy because she helps you to transmute your š© into gold. An Emotional Manifesting Generator 5/2 with LAX of Distraction - It's her purpose to help you know what to trust and what to tune out! A late-diagnosed AuDHDer with a special interest in psychospiritual development, holistic well-being and self-actualisation her approach to Human Design is integrative, bringing together deep embodied knowledge and experience of somatic awareness, nervous system regulation, neuroception, Astrology, numerology, the Chakra System, energetic alchemy and her gift for story crafting to help you GLOW UP and become FULL OF YOURSELF.
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