The Value Filter™

From Chaos & Overwhelm to Clear, Calm and in Control 

The only Compass you'll ever need to always find your true north.

Dylan Smith


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35mm Film

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• Overcome overwhelm and banish doubt, so that you get to feel secure in being the most confident, courageous, and kickass version of yourself.


• Hold firm but kind boundaries so that you get your needs met whilst being respectful, and experience the kind of relational intimacy you’ve only ever dreamed of. (Or you’ve seen in the movies, and long for)


• Reconnect and make peace with your body, money and resources to bring you fulfilment without changing who you are or selling your soul

Activate my internal GPS

The Value Filter is my signature 'tool' acting as YOUR COMPASS, it keeps you connected to your power, your purpose and your essence. 

This simple yet profound tool gives you an easy no fuss way to actually prioritize what matters most to you.

It helps you keep firm but kind boundaries, clears overwhelm and banishes doubt, allowing you to be your wildest, truest self.

It helps you connect and integrate with your body and find your calm and clear 'yes' and 'no' so that you get to feel present, connected and whole.


Your Value Filter reveals your true purpose in life.


It gives you clarity and a deep understanding of what really drives you enabling you to make the right decisions quickly, and with ease.


It's your own personal internal compass, guiding you back to your unique True North.


It helps you to get really specific with what you need to be in alignment and operate from your most resourced place every day.

What people have said about the Value Filter™

Stella Stathi

Thank YOU for everything!!! I'm feeling so amazing after yesterday, and I really believe the value filter has a magic effect on my whole life... Yesterday night my partner and I had one of the most honest and open conversations we have had in years..!!! 

Lou Spackman

The Value Filter™ has transformed the quality of my life. I like it full on. 6 children. Full time job and three fresh business start ups in this last year but I was so busy doing that I was caught up in a cycle. My well-being had taken a real kicking and I was starting to feel resentful. Out of balance and overwhelmed. The creation of my Value Filter™ made me stop still, reflect and truly acknowledge what was really going on.

Jenny Weigle

Getting my value filter was so powerful for me! It was like I was looking at a blurry photo for so long, and in that session you helped the photo come into focus. I instantly felt better and inspired by the call and by my filter. You hear a lot about figuring out the WHY of your business, but even if you think you know the why, you don't yet...not till you've worked with Ebonie.

Dan Crompton

I loved getting my Value Filter™ Its very real, feels like a good reflection of my values, and is a useful tool to hold up against important decisions... As well as thinking about ways to get the 'boring' stuff, or less 'core' stuff, more aligned to my own values by dialling up certain aspects of them that will make them fit more into my triangle.

Clara Angelina Diaz

I did the Value Filter™ with Ebonie and I was surprised at how deep we went. Most importantly I look at everything now and have been making decisions based on it. I can see so much more clearly now, when I am aligned with my true values, especially when they are tested by the universe, my resistance is so clear and I know exactly what I need to shift to make sure I am being and standing in the center for my values; Supported, Peace and Freedom. What I am experiencing is a very deep, deepening of my true being!

The 'what' + the 'how'


Lifetime access Including all updates

  • Everything you need to find your Value Filter on your own, plus updates as I make them.
  • Video sessions of me doing the process with multiple people. Explaining exactly what the Value Filter is, how to find yours and use it
  • Both the 3D and the advanced 5D version.
  • Meditations and guided alchemy sessions which will help you to experience and then embody the energies in a healthy and really accessible way.
  • Morning practice guidelines
  • Human Design Type guidelines
  • Access to one quarterly live workshop for free

I created The Value Filter and 'Misfit to Maven - from argh to ahhh' (My book and signature coaching program) in 2014 after I qualified as personal performance and small business coach with The Coaching Academy and started using the NLP based value elicitation process I was taught by them mixed with my own intuitive process for reverse engineering what truly allows creative over-thinkers to become our best selves.

Based on the fact that my people identify as Values-driven and heart-led, I created something that helps people like us to experience feelings of happiness, contentment, pride, satisfaction and fulfilment - more often in our daily life.

'Your Compass', or The Value Filter allows you to identify what's stopping you from having more of these feelings in your life NOW and gives you everything you need to ensure that you are always creating a life that feels as good on the inside as it perhaps looks on the outside.

Over the last 10 years I have helped thousands of freedom-seeking, creative 'Misfits' find their Value Filter or Compass, and start living Value Filtered lives.

The Value Filter system is an iterative, living process, and whilst it is the simplest and yet most profound tool in my arsenal, I continue to hone and tweak it, making it ever easier to simplify your life, eliminate guilt, and be bolder, freer and happier NOW.

Your Value Filter acts as a lens through which to view the world, make decisions and stay true to your essence.

It helps you access the energy and vitality of your Soul, act from your signature frequency and stay connected to Source when navigating through this human experience.

You can use it to stay wild, stay true and ALWAYS be you!

It's not just a cerebral process, but it is data-driven and pleases your mind. It is also experiential; allowing you to reconnect with your physical self in a new way, and feel embodied, empowered and alive!

What are Values?


Most of us know what values are, but we think of them as intellectual concepts and don’t know how to make them our lived reality.

Your Compass is a new and innovative way of approaching values that allow you to have practical, tangible, actual steps and things that you can do on a daily basis that then lead to a life that matters and aligns.

The process puts words to the things that are important to you but are so often overlooked because of their implicit obviousness, meaning that you don’t articulate them and don’t get them met.

Your Compass is a tool that helps you identify what actually matters to you, and very simply enables you to identify and articulate your needs.

It reduces procrastination. Eliminates brain swirling and obsessive intrusive thoughts caused by anxiety. and overwhelm.

It is also a 'bottom up' process which allows you to process with your body's wisdom rather than your prefrontal cortex, and gives clarity to those who struggle to identify emotion, sensation or feelings because of alexithymia, synesthesia or other neurospiciness.

You see our Values are the things that we believe are fundamentally important in the way we live and work.

They are the often unconscious measures that we are using to determine if our life is 'successful' or not.

They are linked intrinsically with our beliefs and together form the foundation upon which our Self / identity or persona is built.

Our Values shape how we see the world and act as an internal compass that guide us through life.

They shape how we interact with others. They determine our priorities and they shape the choices we make. They are the measures by which we judge ourselves and others.

Essentially we all have a set of personal 'rules' that dictate how we interact with and judge other people. Our 'rules' also dictate how we view ourselves and how we see the world. 

When are living in line with our values we feel congruent, aligned, peaceful and purposeful. When our actions and behaviour is not aligned with our values, we feel conflicted, resentful and remorseful.

While values have an intangible quality to them, when they aren't being met it feels very tangible!

These 'rules' become our beliefs about what has to happen for the Value to be met. But really its deeper than that, our behaviour is chasing a sensation, or sensations that allow us to feel content, proud, satisfied and fulfilled.

Ultimately, if you don't feel as happy, proud, satisfied or fulfilled as you'd like, you need YOUR COMPASS to help guide you back to your own unique True North.

You'll discover how to simply and easily change the 'rules' and alchemise your state so that you can feel more successful NOW.

Your Compass, or The Value Filter™ is the key to becoming more aware, more conscious and living a meaningful life on purpose!

(No more worrying that you made the wrong choice or feeing frustrated, bitter or resentful. Instead you'll be in possession of your own personal alignment, embodiment and empowerment compass.

You'll feel satisfied, at peace, successful and happily surprised by life!)

This process gets both your mind and your body on board and allows you to feel congruent in a way that you never dreamed possible for you.

Get Your Compass today!

👆🏼 Click the image to get started today for £111 👆🏼

Lifetime Access


Includes all updates

  • Everything you need to find your Value Filter on your own, plus updates as I make them.
  • Video sessions of me doing the process with multiple people. Explaining exactly what the Value Filter is, how to find yours and use it
  • Both the 3D and 5D version.
  • A meditation that helps you experience and then embody the energies in a healthy and really accessible way.
  • Morning practice guidelines
  • Human Design Guidelines
  • Access to one quarterly live workshop for free

Think of The Value Filter as 'YOUR COMPASS' 

Which is a great place to start! However, if you're ready to properly orient yourself in the world, and build on solid foundations, 'Misfit to Maven: The Fundamentals' comes with 'your compass' and 'your map' too!

Misfit to Maven: The Fundamentals (my signature program) includes Your Compass and Your Map.

Show me the whole damn ADVENTURE!