Liberate the magic already inside of you

to become more desirable, appreciated & seen! 

An intimate 6-week experiment experience.

 ✨ Unlock the Power + Potential ✨

of your Unique Magic 


• Practical, tangible steps to connect with a deep sense of full-bodied self-acceptance & emotional mastery.

(Even if you can't currently see a reality where this exists.)

• Activate a deep, sensual connection with your inner feminine range so that you get to feel sexy in your skin regardless of your size, shape or where you are in your cycle… 

• Own and express all of yourself in a way that ignites a vital spark that is currently missing from your life and invites more magnetism and intimacy into every area of your life.

This is for you if are not a stranger to spirituality, holding a mirror up to your stuff or transformational work.
It's for you if you want to go to your edge with the unique and personal stuff that needs to be alchemised and embodied in order to reach your next level in the realms of intimacy and resource.
It's for you if you are interested in using elemental, energetic and mystical alchemy to transform your relationship with life itself and let in more juicy sexy playful intimacy, magic and resource.



 Liberate the magic already inside of you to become more desirable, appreciated & seen! 

An intimate 6-week experiment experience.

 ✨ Unlock the Power + Potential ✨

of your Unique Magic 


• Practical, tangible steps to connect with a deep sense of full-bodied self-acceptance & emotional mastery.

(Even if you can't currently see a reality where this exists.)

• Activate a deep, sensual connection with your inner feminine range so that you get to feel sexy in your skin regardless of your size, shape or where you are in your cycle… 

• Own and express all of yourself in a way that ignites a vital spark that is currently missing from your life and invites more magnetism and intimacy into every area of your life.

This is for you if are not a stranger to spirituality, holding a mirror up to your stuff or transformational work.
It's for you if you want to go to your edge with the unique and personal stuff that needs to be alchemised and embodied in order to reach your next level in the realms of intimacy and resource.
It's for you if you are interested in using elemental, energetic and mystical alchemy to transform your relationship with life itself and let in more juicy sexy playful intimacy, magic and resource.

You long to be more fully resourced + you crave deeper fulfilment and intimacy

in both your personal and professional life...


❤️‍🔥 You secretly long to be known for your depth, passion and integrity. ❤️‍🔥


But although you can hold your own in conflict or moments of vulnerability you would like to be able to turn tough stuff into actual magic. 

Instead, if you're really honest you lose your equanimity; either becoming 'Little Miss Sensitive' or 'Little Miss 'Go-🖕🏼-yourself' 


What if I told you that in just six weeks, you'd have the tools to turn

differing perspectives, misunderstandings and power dynamics

into magnetism and magic?!


You long to be more fully resourced + you crave deeper fulfilment and intimacy

in both your personal and professional life...


❤️‍🔥 You secretly long to be known for your depth, passion and integrity. ❤️‍🔥


But although you can hold your own in conflict or moments of vulnerability you would like to be able to turn tough stuff into actual magic. 

Instead, if you're really honest you lose your equanimity; either becoming 'Little Miss Sensitive' or 'Little Miss 'Go-🖕🏼-yourself'


What if I told you that in just six weeks, you'd have the tools to turn differing perspectives, misunderstandings and power dynamics into magnetism and magic?!

  • You want to own your energy and your value. Be your unique, clever, creative, attractive, desirable, flirty, and sensual self but deep down you're worried that you're both not enough and too much
  • You want to be fully self-expressed and articulate yourself well so that you're understood and seen, but in the moment you're all in your head chess-playing and working out what the other person's response will be.
  • You want to come across as mature, wise and clear but instead, you sound like a pathetic child,  or  no words come out at all.
  • You want to hold firm but flexible boundaries but you're not always sure what that looks like and worry that you're either a pushover, too distant, or too inconsistent  
  • You want to stay grounded and embodied when you're triggered but when things get uncomfortable or confronting you find yourself sulking, stropping, or  leaving.

You're considerate, kind, generous, spiritual and fair....

You recognise when you're being childish or egoic...


“I want what I want and know how to get it” doesn't fit with that image, does it?

Being ambitious, seductive, chaotic,  manipulative, 'wanty,' or self-centred aren't traits of a self-actualised and conscious adult, are they? 

 This was me too! 


👏🏼 That you've read this far means that you're ready to face + embrace some core shadows which is really fucking awesome!

Let's acknowledge + celebrate you for that! 👏🏼.

And, to be honest, you couldn't be in better hands...

👋🏼 Hi, I'm Ebonie and if you've not read my book or hung out with me in person yet, you'd be forgiven for thinking that I'm naturally cool, calm and collected...


Although I might seem naturally confident, wildly expressive and effortlessly eloquent in all situations it most definitely hasn't always been that way. 


I have broken down in uncontrollable tears when I really didn't want to. I have blown up in exasperated rage at my mother. I have swallowed down my opinion and smiled like a good girl while frozen to the spot. I've been so deep in self-loathing and uncertainty that looking at my reflection in the mirror made me actually vomit. 🤮 I missed out on so much joy, satisfaction, and fulfilment because I didn't know how to get there, or what needed to change.

❤️‍🩹  Over the years in misguided attempts to find alignment, I have bargained with control. From restrictive eating that completely disconnected me from my body’s intelligence to obsessive-compulsive patterns of behaviour that stole hours of my life and my ability to be flexible, spontaneous or fun!

 💔 I have been in relationships in which I have felt controlled, gaslit and powerless, and ones where I have held all the control and felt powerful but empty.

✶ I've felt like my voice, my energy, my sexuality, my emotion; my power were too much, too dangerous, and would most certainly have other women hate me. (And while these things might make men want to date me, it didn't make them want to keep me!) 

✶ I've felt like my ambition and desire for nice things was uncouth and unspiritual.

✶ I've believed that my value and worth are dictated by the number in my bank accounts or the number on the scale.

✶ I've played it safe, and I've opted out of the game if I believed I couldn't win, or I'd win too easily.


AND for the last ten years, I have deep-dived into every aspect of energetics and human relational dynamics. 


🫀🧠🧨 I have studied psychology, neuroscience, multiple brain integration technique, polyvagal theory, the effects of trauma, and the ingredients of power, polarity, and pleasure. For the last 25+ years, I have been working with layers of my own and others' conditioning and shadows. Reclaiming + alchemising 💩 into 💎 💰🦄

👼🏼 I have sat in communion with emotion, with the elements, with the divine, with my ancestors and with my own wisdom. 

🔺 I have gotten intimate with the energy bodies, our animal bodies, and my own body.

🐺 I have gotten really messy, I have implemented and failed, I have laughed, and cried, danced and howled, met my shadow, met the shadows of others, over and over.

👥 I have died a thousand deaths and been reborn a thousand more…

♾️ And now, I am in a relationship with life, with myself, with others that feel aligned, even when I am fully expressed.

😜 I love and accept myself, not just my wise sage-like spiritual self, but my naive bratty human self too.


And while I am far from ascended  🤦🏼‍♀️ 😝 (I don’t believe one gets to be done,) I am ready to share everything I know about this in ALIGNED + EXPRESSED with you.

ALIGNED + EXPRESSED is a lifetime of study and implementation synthesised into a six-week experience experiment so that you get to unlock your unique feminine magic NOW.


🪄 Imagine I waved my magic wand and made it so that you were desired, appreciated and seen would you accept?

       • What is it worth to you to feel truly at home in your body?

🍑 If I gift you the libido of your dreams and the confidence to accompany it, what impact will it make, on your life? On the lives of others? 

       • What would change if you knew deeply at your core that you were neither too much nor not enough?

What impact would the kind of internal safety that means you're able to fully rest, even when life gets all wobbly and uncertain have on your well-being?

On your finances?

On those around you? 

** The content of this program has been designed to have you understand, heal and embrace your inner feminine energy in the context of both personal and professional relationships.

Feminine energy wounds show up as issues with self-esteem or control, having a loud inner critic, or seeking approval/validation.

If you are a man interested in participating, I want you to know that you are welcome.

We are all deeply impacted by The Patriarchy and we all have issues with our inner feminine that must be healed in order for easeful co-creation, healthy interdependence and loving union to be experienced.

The 'mother wound' is a wound with life itself.

Ready to say yes to a fully ALIGNED + EXPRESSED life?

 Now, if you’re reading this thinking:  

“It took you a lifetime lady, how exactly am I gonna get it in 6 weeks? I've got a million other things going on too!”  


"I've only just learnt that I'm autistic | ADHD | [insert late life diagnosis of something or other here] I'm not sure I can deal with any more right now." 




"You don't understand, I really struggle with self-love | self-esteem | RSD "
"You know what, I'm good most of the time, its just when xyz happens that I have to bottle it all up."


I hear you. I see you. I've got you.


If you're completely disconnected from your emotions, and your energy and have done no embodiment, self-acceptance or shadow work, of your own before today this is not the program for you. I am not here to save you. This is not beginner stuff and you will not be 'done' in six weeks.

I will never lie to you. The honesty that I bring and my treating you like the adult you are is something my clients love about me. I will always be lovingly direct with you.

You will have clarity on exactly what steps to take to reach competency and then confidence.

❌ Which means no fucking around spending 100’s or thousands of £€$ or hours of your limited time on all the wrong things.

🔺 If you haven’t done my Value Filter process and gotten YOUR COMPASS yet, it is a prerequisite for ALIGNED + EXPRESSED (and you can add it to your cart at the same time and work on them both, with me.)

Getting my hands-on help with your Value Filter is usually a minimum of £444, so if you say yes to ALIGNED + EXPRESSED  today you’re getting a real deal and you're in for a treat!

YOUR COMPASS has a tiny price but a MASSIVE impact. 

If you already have your Value Filter you’re going to LOVE the way that ALIGNED + EXPRESSED builds on what you already have and makes it even more practical, tangible and relevant to every part of your life.

 This program is for you if success means:  

  • A purposeful career that recognises your gifts, serves the collective and pays you well
  • A healthy happy relationship full of deep and meaningful communication and great sex
  • A sense of belonging and conscious connection with your community / (soul) family 


BUT, right now if you’re really honest with yourself:
  • You naturally take on responsibility (sometimes too much) but being given power concerns you.
  • You worry that you don’t deserve to be seen + heard, have the cash and acknowledgement, or sex life that you desire.  
  • You want ‘seat-at-the-table' status. You've studied hard to be the best you can be at what you do, and you sometimes wonder why it goes unrecognised.
  • You hold the reins of control tightly. You might sometimes accidentally lose control with your kid(s), but are unlikely to be in a state of wild abandon with your partner.
  • Joy is one of the most uncomfortable emotions to feel.

Investment, Prerequisites and FAQs


The financial investment for ALIGNED + EXPRESSED is a total of £777 which is paid in three instalments of £259.

The time investment is a total of 18-24 hours.

This includes:

+ 6 x 1 hour to watch the training and transmission video sent to you each Friday and make notes.

+ 6 x 1 hour to attend the weekly check-in, coaching and facilitation call.

+ 6 x 1-2 hours of experiment implementation time each week.

The prerequisite training or awareness for this level of work with me is an understanding of your Value Filter, some embodiment or breathwork experience, and a level of self-awareness and honesty with yourself that comes from engaging in an extensive self-reflection practice or a period of therapy.

Will I give you any more information on the modules or things I am going to get you to do? No. There is a purposeful level of uncertainty and mystery around this program that is part of its allure and medicine.

Do I offer refunds? No, please refer to my terms for more information on this, specifically point 10.

Ready to have some fun?

Ultimately all human relating gets to be super fun, and with an orientation of curiosity, that's exactly what it'll become!


F♥CK YES!! Add me to the waitlist!

Please Note:

ONE: Just because something creates lifelong transformational, healing and change doesn't mean it can't be fun! The idea that anything worth achieving is HARD is some of what we are deconditioning here.

TWO: Never mistake my ability to make therapeutic and psychospiritual self-actualisation simple and playful as an indicator of lesser value. In fact, much of the incredible value in my style and work is that you're learning and implementing new behaviour without even trying!