The next Sprint Starts in:









You get to OWN your pERSONAL Power!

It's time to activate or alchemise your gifts, wounds and shadows into gold!

Be guided, held and supported as you turn knowledge into wisdom and step ‘Mary Poppins Style into the chalk drawing...’ 
Enjoy the 5D jigsaw puzzle playground that is your unique design! without guilt, shame, doubt or comparison.

'Embody Your Design®' is an experiment experience in which you get clear on what you are made of, affirm your true nature, explore what you're here to heal and become wise in ... and become  full of yourself !

(Because being  you is where the magic is!)


[Embody Your Design® is unique its design. Its an on-going group, with an annual minimum term. Each quarter you get a live 6-week sprint following the proprietary framework, but each time it is tailored to the astrological weather and collective themes. In between each sprint you have access to The Maven Haven VIP community space, where you get weekly office hours for ongoing coaching and mentoring.]


It's time to activate or alchemise your gifts, wounds and shadows into gold!

Be guided, held and supported as you turn knowledge into wisdom and step ‘Mary Poppins Style into the chalk drawing...’  where you'll get to enjoy the 5D jigsaw puzzle playground that is your unique design! without guilt, shame, doubt or comparison.

'Embody Your Design®' is an experiment experience in which you get clear on what you are made of, affirm your true nature, explore what you're here to heal and become wise in ... and become  full of yourself because being you is where the magic is!


[Embody Your Design® is unique its design. Its an on-going group, with an annual minimum term. Each quarter you get a live 6-week sprint following the proprietary framework, but each time it is tailored to the astrological weather and collective themes. In between each sprint you have access to The Maven Haven VIP community space, where you get weekly office hours for ongoing coaching and mentoring.]

Trusted by and seen in:
Trusted by and seen in:

So, you have your Chart 

but you don’t really know what to do with it...

Whether we're talking Human Design, Gene Keys, Astrology, Numerology or all of the above - isn't it time you knew what to actually do with this data? 

The information that was supposed to empower you, and allow you to be more you, is in fact in danger of being another set of ‘rules’ that cage rather than liberate you...

You do not need to perpetuate your tendency toward overwhelm, again!

Your propensity for generosity, often means taking responsibility for everything, and everyone and while the intention is kind, it doesn't have to leave you struggling to make time for yourself. You get to be generous, kind and really enjoy your life.

I know that secretly you don't fully trust that your design is 'enough' - so you get busy looking outside of yourself for another strategy, person or drama through which to get approval or validation...

And you find yourself thinking that maybe another certification or qualification is what you need (rather than actually implementing what you already know!)

But... your design is perfect!

and you are more than enough!

If you’re honest with yourself, the reality of ‘learning more’ does not light you up!

You've got a lot going on, your life is beautifully full already, and whilst you'd actually really enjoy 'digging deeper' into your Human Design, Numerology and/or Astrology, utilising what you've learnt often become another thing on your never-ending to-do list... that doesn't happen because it's not a priority.

Or, rather than empowering you, its become another way to inadvertently make yourself feel stupid, or wrong.

So, you have your Chart 

but you don’t really know what to do with it...

Whether we're talking Human Design, Numerology, Astrology or all of the above - isn't it time you knew what to actually do with this data? 

The information that was supposed to empower you, and allow you to be more you, is in fact in danger of being another set of ‘rules’ that cage rather than liberate you...

You do not need to perpetuate your tendency toward overwhelm, again!

Your propensity for generosity, often means taking responsibility for everything, and everyone and while the intention is kind, it doesn't have to leave you struggling to make time for yourself. You get to be generous, kind and really enjoy your life.

I know that secretly you don't fully trust that your design is 'enough' - so you get busy looking outside of yourself for another strategy, person or drama through which to get approval or validation...

And you find yourself thinking that maybe another certification or qualification is what you need (rather than actually implementing what you already know!)

But... your design is perfect!

and you are more than enough!

If you’re honest with yourself, the reality of ‘learning more’ does not light you up!

You've got a lot going on, your life is beautifully full already, and whilst you'd actually really enjoy 'digging deeper' into your Human Design, Numerology and/or Astrology, utilising what you've learnt often become another thing on your never-ending to-do list... that doesn't happen because it's not a priority.

Or, rather than empowering you, its become another way to inadvertently make yourself feel stupid, or wrong.

And, you feel like you ought to know more because you’ve dabbled in Astrology, or Numerology and aspects of Human Design in the past...

You've been into this sort of thing since your teens in fact,
so its not like the language is completely foreign.
(But, you're probably a bit rusty, and thats really welcome here.)

you know the basics, but you don’t actually know what to do with them.

Embodied Integrity matters to you

And right now you’re probably ‘dangerous with Human Design’ because you know something, but you don’t know what you don’t know.

It’s like when you know a bit about foraging, but could probably poison all your friends by letting them eat a mushroom that you are familiar with but can’t remember if it was on the ‘edible’ or ‘poison’ list.

You know that you’re a Manifestor, Manifesting GeneratorGenerator, Projector, or Reflector, but you don’t know what that actually means for your wealth, health and well-being.

it’s vital to know how your energy type is designed to use their energy

So that when it comes to  work, rest and play you actually know how to live for optimal energetic hygiene and can adjust accordingly.

Perhaps you know that you’re 5/1, 5/2, 4/6, 2/4 (for example) but do you know the most common sabotage patterns for these personality types and what you are the best in the world at?

How about your Sun Sign's strengths and challenges?  Or what your moon sign needs to feel supported and safe?

Do you know your Karma? Dharma? and key ingredients for expansion?

Do you know how to recognise your shadows? And identify your unique power leaks? How about how to call back your power so that you are operating from wholeness and allowing people to be magnetised by your pure potent power?

We all have power leaks, but without a framework for our Unique Soul Contract it’s hard to see our own behavioural patterns, let alone catch, shift and release them quickly as we’d like.

I promise, it’s not just you...

It’s incredibly common in the world of spirituality, personal growth, energetics & Embodiment.

By now everyone knows that tailoring your life and business to your unique design makes sense - but not everyone is actually doing it because most of the people teaching Human Design, Astrology, Numerology or even 'nervous system' trainings have no idea how to synthesise and embody this information.

And every time you look online there’s another ‘expert’ telling you to get certified in something.

Not only that, but suddenly everyone thinks that they know everything about neurodivergence and complex trauma...

But none of them know what its like to be YOU in your body, with your unique lived experience, ancestry and autonomic nervous system.

It’s time to move away from what ‘everyone knows’ and step into wholistic self leadership for real.

You get to take back your power, and own your agency 
by being the authority on you and your Soul Contract.

I’m here to tell you that You don’t need to do another course or certification.

instead you just need to learn how to apply what you already know, and experience the magic that comes from embracing, embodying, and expressing your true nature.

Are you new to my corner of the universe?

If so, hello lovely one, I’m Ebonie.

I am a walking, talking embodiment of what it means to put this stuff into practice and LIVE it. That's why they call me  Ebonie Alchemy.

This is my life's work!!


I don’t have kids, for most of my life I was single, my dharma and dedication has been to not just the learning of the information, but the ‘so what’ of where the science, art and magic intersect.

I’m a Sagittarius rising. My Sun is in Leo in the 8th House. My Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th House. I am an emotional Manifesting Generator. A 5/2 profile. And LAX of Distraction. I’m a Soul 5, Mastery 7, Gift 8, Path 3. And, my overall 'purpose' is Code 28 'The Purposeful Player' - I am here to shed meaning where meaning is helpful, and help you see the totality and timelessness of your Soul when it all feels futile. 

If you don't speak these codes yet, you will soon. All this means that I am driven by seeing and sharing the truth and in a way that empowers and heals.

It means that I am here for your higher education, transmutation and self-initiation, whilst keeping it creative, playful and tangible!

It means I've learned about boundaries and projections the hard way, and I know the body through both pain + pleasure.

As an emotional Manifesting Generator. A 5/2 profile. And Left Angle Cross of Distraction people come to me:

‘to gain a different perspective’ (5) & to integrate (2)

and after years and years of being distracted by all the shiny things (as per my design) I am a master at helping you know what to trust and what to tune out.

Are you new to my corner of the universe?

If so, hello lovely one, I’m Ebonie.

I am a walking, talking embodiment of what it means to put this stuff into practice and LIVE it. That's why they call me  Ebonie Alchemy.

This is my life's work!!


I don’t have kids, for most of my life I was single, my dharma and dedication has been to not just the learning of the information, but the ‘so what’ of where the science, art and magic intersect.

I’m a Sagittarius rising. My Sun is in Leo in the 8th House. My Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th House. I am an emotional Manifesting Generator. A 5/2 profile. And LAX of Distraction. I’m a Soul 5, Mastery 7, Gift 8, Path 3..

This means that I am all about seeing the truth and sharing it in a way that empowers and heals. It means that I am driven by higher education, transmutation and here for your self-initiation, whilst keeping it creative, playful and about you!

It means I've learned boundaries and projections the hard way, and I know the body through both pain + pleasure.

I am an emotional Manifesting Generator. A 5/2 profile. And LAX of Distraction.

My 5/2 ‘remit’ or why people come to me is

‘to gain a different perspective’ (5) & to integrate (2)

and after years and years of being distracted by all the shiny things (as per my design) I am a master at helping you know what to trust and what to tune out.

The 5 - Heretic  / Teacher / Messenger - is all about sharing practical, tangible solutions or steps.

​​I offer you practical guidance. I offer you a new, and heretical, way of looking at a problem. I offer my natural problem solving gifts. I encourage and challenge you. I help you solve what others can't. I help you see things differently and get to the other side. I help you reach your full potential. I am a mirror. What you see in me - what you project onto me - is what you are being called to heal within you. I invite you to take total responsibility for your growth. To be honest. To be vulnerable. I am a messenger. I unify. I share practical guidance and truth. Truth that can change you. Let yourself be changed.

The 2 - the Natural, the Hermit, or Responder KNOWS, has the information and then finds ways to share it that are natural for you to grasp.

I offer you my commitment. My natural gifts. My wisdom that comes from time in the void, and in solitude. I'm not afraid to lean into my own energy and essence. I model this, and I invite you to do the same. I invite you to find solace and growth in solitude. To get to know who you are when you are alone. The you who feels at one, at peace, at ease. Away from the hustle and bustle. I invite you to play. To be, to explore and to get lost in what comes naturally to you. To stop hunting for the next shiny thing and instead relax into what you already know! To build on it. To find grace in what you have within you. I invite you to stop fighting against the flow. To float with the stream. To dance with life.

My conscious sun in gate 56 - the wandering storyteller means that I always have the perfect allegory, anecdote or illustration to help you understand what I am sharing and make it relevant and relatable for you.

My teaching style is playful, fun and you’ll never feel like you're learning. You are not going to be ‘taught’ - you’re going to be inspired into self discovery.

Elementally I have fire and air dominance, I am a passionate thinker and expressionist! With my open G centre, I can try on a thousand perspectives and comfortably see things from the highest vantage point.

My environment in HD is passive mountains and having integrated this information, I create spaces and containers that elevate, offer spaciousness and the opportunity to retreat and expand, so that you may witness yourself with love, while feeling the fresh air on your skin and allow for every and all sensitivity to be met and nurtured.

I am a rare blend of Mani Gen; a Reflector consciousness, (always finding ways to be delighted) and a Manifestor Vehicle; always eons ahead of my time…

I have been helping neurospicy, liminal misfits for the last 15 years, the last 10 of which has been with offers like this, where I take you on an adventure and you leave calmer, wiser, and more self assured.

I am all about offering tools that affirm your true nature and give you suggestions for counterbalance or alchemy where helpful.

My conscious Reflector mind has sampled SO MANY WAYS and I love to help you find the right one for you.

 I want you to know that its not uncommon for generous love-led leaders and legacy makers like you to feel unrecognised,  overwhelmed, or burnt out and resentful or disappointed, but knowing how to realign and alchemise these feelings in an instant is.

What if your current lack of space and time were not a failing on your part to fit it all in, but merely a way of showing you that you desire more spaciousness?

What if your current overwhelm were not just the way it is, but a wise part of you guiding you towards a better way of living for your unique operating system?

What if none of the boundary issues, people pleasing, or codependent behaviour was your fault, and doesn’t need to be pathologized or diagnosed?

You don’t need to be fixed.
You don't need to be an expert in Human Design.
You don't need to be an expert in Embodiment.
You only need to be an expert in YOU, and embodying YOUR Design!

 I want you to know that its not uncommon for heart-led lovers and leaders like you to over-give, to end up burnt out and to feel resentful and disappointed, but knowing how to alchemise in an instant is.

What if your current lack of space and time were not a failing on your part to fit it all in, but merely a way of showing you that you desire more spaciousness?

What if your current overwhelm were not just the way it is, but a wise part of you guiding you towards a better way of living for your unique operating system?

What if none of the boundary issues, people pleasing, or codependent behaviour was your fault, and doesn’t need to be pathologised or diagnosed as being so?

You don’t need to be an expert in Human Design, you only need to be an expert in YOUR human design!

'Embody Your Design'

step into the 5D technicolour of living your unique magic - and become Full of Yourself

Over 12 months in quarterly six week sprints you’ll get structured and supportive guidance to help you Embody your Design, so that it goes from cerebral information to your aligned lived experience.

You’ll be given suggestions and experience experiment options to try out that will not eat up all your time, but will give you a tangible framework to actually implement and integrate with accountability and community so that you show up for yourself and have fun while doing so.

No matter where you begin, each sprint will build on the last and the foundations of your Values, so that its meaningful and personal to you.

You'll experience what you're here to heal and become wise in.

You'll discover what conditioning actually is, how to reclaim your power and activate or alchemise your gifts, wounds and shadows into GOLD!

Hear What People Have To Say About Working With Me:

What's Included?

Each 6 week sprint takes you on a journey: 

Week One: 

Identify Authority

Solidify self trust & inner Leadership. 

We are not designed to make decsions or get clarity from our minds. If you're letting your head brain navigate, then your 'not-self' controls you and your open centre's distort your reality. Each of us has an inner Authority that tells us what is for us, and what is not. In my 25+ years in the personal development space, the #1 thing people say that they want is  clarity. But, self trust and inner leadership is not just about getting clear on what is your intuition and what is your fear, its also about trusting yourself to actually act on your own authority. Week one gives you the opportunity to experience really knowing that you've made the correct decision. I'm going to show you how to trust yourself and honour your own authority!

Less anxiety ~ More confidence.

Week Two:

 Affirm True Nature

Recognise & realise your innate value.

The second most common issue for ambitious misfits and mavens like you is an inability to truly see yourselves and  the magic you 'be' without having to 'do' anything.  These experiments are designed to have you truly connect with what you are made of, and experience yourself essentially and elementally. Week two gives you the opportunity to have the perception shift required for an ease-y life! Imagine the extra time, energy and money you'd have if you were no longer striving and proving?! You'll get to see yourself in an entirely new way and recognise and realise your innate value.

Less doing ~ More being.

Week Three:

 Activate Magnetism

Become full of yourself.

'Ego' is the 3rd most misunderstood piece of the heart led Maven's prosperity puzzle. You are not 'too much'. Your passion, drive and 'want-y' 'needy' or 'crazy'  emotions are not dangerous. When you harness your range and assert your power rather than trying to make yourself small, or dumb yourself down, you'll  radiate magnetism. When you're full of YOU rather than other people, and satiated rather than living half starved for attention, affection and sweetness - you'll become richer than you can even fathom!  You'll see what you're actually full of, and how to lightly own your magnetism in line with your values. 

Less chaos ~ More magic.

Week Four:

 Polarity + harmony

Engage essential elemental and energetic dynamics.

The next misunderstood embodiment buzz-word is Alchemy. In my world, the alchemical process is energetic and spiritual; its 'Individuation' and 'Self Actualisation'. You have the ability to state shift on demand.  Your body is a magical vessel of  refinement, distillation, purification, transmutation, and transformation. You can remove stagnancy, purge, clear and reveal potency and potential. You'll get to play with polarity and harmony to attract, galvanise and nourish, for satisfaction, fulfilment and equanimity.

The impact of this is huge. Deeper intimacy, better sex, long lasting peace, increased vitality. This is what the world needs right now!  When you have the ability to see things from a range of perspectives and choose whether to challenge or encourage - with nuance - you'll 'save the world' for generations to come.

Less separation ~ More unity.

Week Five: 

Alchemise Wisdom

Transform your 'weaknesses' into wisdom.

The more undefined or conditioned we are, the more opportunities we have for embodied wisdom. Where we wobble, is where there's wisdom. When we face and embrace our shadows, struggles and strifes, rather than fear or shame them, we create capacity. Capacity is what allows you to experience more.  A life without growth or progress isn't a rewarding one. Imagine how powerful and energised you'll feel when you know you can overcome anything that comes your way! Not by hardening yourself to life, but by softening and becoming supple. When you see yourself sway like bamboo in the wind, rather than wobble or break you'll understand just how strong and adaptable you really are!  

Less defeated ~ More liberated. 

Week Six: 

Acknowledge Integration

Realise what a gift you truly are.

This is the bit where you can't help but fall head over heels in love with yourself because you become fascinated by your unique blueprint and the bespoke 'choose-your-own-adventure Soul Contract'  that your spirit self drew up for you. This is the bit where you finally once and for all drop the drama and sabotage because you see it for the waste of precious life that it is. You become bolder, freer and happier now regardless of what is going on outside of you, because you know that you can choose your state. 

Your new found orientation of acknowledgement and appreciation means that you magnetise opportunity, wealth and vitality and pay it forward from a place of overflow, creating the kind of impact and legacy you have always wanted to create, but have previously been too depleted by survival to begin.

Less survive ~ More thrive.

and between each sprint

You'll be held & supported while you digest & integrate.

Over four seasonal sprints you'll softly, subtly & sensually explore:

Embodiment and Nervous system Alchemy: From the mirrored maze of your mind, to the bountiful beautiful your body.

Doubling down on your strengths: My 'pilates for your personal power' will stop you from wobbling as you reach for more!

Activating Your Unique Magnetism: No crystals, supplements, adaptogens or 'hacking' required.

Activating Your Unique Wisdom: Using the freely available magic of your body, nature, the elements, archetypes and symbolism as your navigation tools - you'll never be 'lost' again.

Deepening your connection to your coordinates: Discover the potential places where you might find hidden traps and how to typically transform them into treasure.

Ease-y Expansion: Processes that generate safety and stability for maximum longevity and sustainability.

During the Sprints:

Each week you’ll get a pre-recorded video transmission from me, with teachings and perspectives to consider and things for you to think about, journal on and try out for yourself.

You'll get your ‘home play or experience experiment' assignments.

There will be layers to these, so you can go as gently or as deep as your guidance wants to from week to week.

Then we will have a live Q&A, facilitation call where we'll talk it out, share and process.

Plus you get access to our Telegram group for the community to chat with each other and me week to week during each sprint and in between them.

Over 4 seasonal sprints and 12 months, we will go on a journey together where you’ll Embody Your Design and affirm your true nature..
While the experience will be unique for each person, the steps and stages will be the same.

Hear What People Have To Say About Working With Me:

Plus... you'll also get 12 months access to my Intimate Inner Circle.

When you join us in Embody Your Design® you'll also get 12 months access to the VIP version of The Maven Haven® - Where alongside a monthly community call, you'll get weekly coaching and mentoring, first look at any and all new offers and products and a members only discount. 

If you got weekly 1:1 coaching from me for 12 months you'd pay over £15k!

You'll also get access to 'The (Em)power Pack' valued at £250 which contains all sorts of empowering goodies including:


1. The Art and Science of Nervous System Regulation by (Human) Design
A 30-minute class that will give you an understanding of:
  • How your energetic aura works 
  • How your nervous system is predisposed to dysregulation 
  • What to focus on when you find yourself stressed for optimal energy hygiene and sustainable energy flow.


2. Pilates for your personal power.


My most commonly requested masterclass in which I share:
  • What power is and isn't
  • How to cultivate your personal power
  • What the most common forms of self sabotage are, and what to do about them.
3. The Manifest anything bundle:


The workbooks and meditations that I've been using and sharing for over 10 years to manifest my soul aligned life.

My Dharma, Metta, Release and Manifest four part process and alignment cycle supports you in powering up your purpose, generating more love, releasing anything that is causing clutter and is no longer of highest service, allowing you to manifesting with ease.

Its time to

Embody Your Design

Pay Monthly

  • sprint Video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (EM)power Pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle  
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £222 x 12


Pay in Full

  • sprint video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (em)power pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle 
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £2664 


Its time to

Embody Your Design

Pay Monthly

  • sprint Video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (EM)power Pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle  
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £222 x 12


Pay in Full

  • sprint video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (em)power pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle 
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £2664 


The 'Embody Your Design®' experience-experiment process can be broken down into:

  1. Perspective (Witnessing Thoughts)

  2. Emotion (Activating or Alchemising Energy)

  3. Behaviour (Taking Empowered Action) 

Embodiment is a process of activation and alchemy - this is profound energetic work, and is cumulative and sequential in its process.

That means that each step builds upon the last and that the steps must be done in order.

This isn’t hierarchy for the sake of it, it's the energetics of alchemy and skipping steps or not fully committing to this work will result in you ‘cheating’ yourself.

This is a sprint, so you get to be all in and then rest (and digest)

The focus is on embodying your design, and  integrating earth and sky, soul, spirit and matter.

We will use your Human Design as the starting point and each time there are opportunities to explore your Astrology and Numerology… as well as your Gene Keys (especially as you repeat the process and deepen into the alchemy.)

We do four embodiment sprints a year, one per season and you have the option to join us for a year, or stay for as many as you like.

This is a lifes work and EMBODY YOUR DESIGN is my 'continuation' program for ongoing assimilation, where your style and pace are as unique as you are and this container is designed to work for everyone.

Each time I will give you options to meet yourself exactly where you are at.

This isn’t just a 'Mani-Gen whirl wind'- my design side is a considerate Ego Manifestor, and my personality side a storytelling Reflector - together they make me the time-bending Mani Gen that I am, and one of my superpowers is crafting experiences that work on multiple timelines

We will be using your Value Filter, your body, nature, the elements, archetypes and symbolism as our navigation tools, guides, and compass.

There is no dogma or ideology in this space, but I will share some of my philosophy and views, which you get to try on for yourself, and discard as you see fit.

This is for you if:

You consider yourself spiritual, into mysticism, a bit witchy, and have dabbled in all the things from numerology, to astrology, and Human Design.

You know what these things are and you know the basics, but haven’t gone all in and have no real desire or reason to get a qualification or certification, but would like to know more about yourself and more about how to actually use the information you have.

This work has made you feel seen and validated or affirmed, but afterwards, you have felt stuck on what to DO with the all the information.

You want to walk your talk and you want to live YOUR unique life, you want to align with your Souls design and enjoy the gift of being human.

You want to affirm your true nature and love and accept yourself exactly as you are.

You’re willing, wanting even to take this from theory to practice.

This is your opportunity to move from someone who talks about Human Design, Astrology, Numerology, Frequency and Embodiment to someone who actually LIVES and breathes it.

Not because you want to be perceived a certain way, but because you want to truly see yourself so that you can be at peace, and live your best life now, not when you’ve got everyone else sorted first.

This is for you if you're ready to feel:

Less Shamed

Less Tamed

More True

More You

This is for you if:

You consider yourself spiritual, into mysticism, a bit witchy, and have dabbled in all the things from numerology, to astrology, and Human Design.

You know what these things are and you know the basics, but haven’t gone all in and have no real desire or reason to get a qualification or certification, but would like to know more about yourself and more about how to actually use the information you have.

This work has made you feel seen and validated or affirmed, but afterwards, are stuck on what to DO with the all the information.

You want to walk your talk and you want to live YOUR unique life, you want to align with your Souls design and enjoy the gift of being human.

You want to affirm your true nature and love and accept yourself exactly as you are.

You’re willing, wanting even to take this from theory to practice.

This is your opportunity to move from someone who talks about Human Design, Astrology, Numerology and Embodiment to someone who actually LIVES and breathes it.

Not because you want to be perceived a certain way, but because you want to truly see yourself so that you can be at peace, and live your best life now, not when you’ve got everyone else sorted first.

This is for you if you're ready to feel:

Less Shamed

Less Tamed

More True

More You

This will work for you

even if you're worried its another thing you'll over commit to and then not show up for...

Proving once again that you over promise and under deliver when it comes to yourself and that everyone else's needs matter more than your own.

I see you!  I have designed this adventure as a year of 6 WEEK sprints rather than a six MONTH program so that your attention is held and we can go deep enough that you see results while not so deep that you lose focus, get behind and feel like you’re failing.

I have priced it so that you can deep dive in  delicious  spaciousness this is a luxury you can afford.

Everything here is set up for your success - so that you have the kind of incremental upgrade and embodied experience that allows you to feel good about yourself, and keep coming back for more!

Its time to

Embody Your Design

Pay Monthly

  • sprint Video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (EM)power Pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle  
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £222 x 12


Pay in Full

  • sprint video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (em)power pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle 
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £2664 


Its time to

Embody Your Design

Pay Monthly

  • sprint Video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (EM)power Pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle  
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £222 x 12


Pay in Full

  • sprint video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (em)power pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle 
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £2664 


Hear What People Have To Say About Working With Me:

Will I see change in six weeks?


I can't promise that everything will change in 6 weeks, but in a year? Yeah, EVERYTHING will change.

AND, I can promise that in 6 weeks you’ll leave your first sprint a-little-to-a-lot more in love with yourself!

I’d love you to answer this question:

How would you falling a-little-to-a-lot more in love with yourself change your life?

When you are LIVING your design, when you truly embody your operating system you’ll have more energy, more vitality, more capacity for whatever you want to spend it on.

This isn’t about a certification, a qualification or lip service to more learning. This is you doing yourself the greatest service you can, honouring your operating system and soul map.

Being the best you that you can be, so that everything else is built on the foundations of truth and essence.

When you are BEING yourself, everything else is so much easier…

Commit to just 6 weeks of remembering not learning...

See how you feel after six weeks of shedding rather than piling more on...

Can you even imagine how free you'll be after 6 weeks of breathing not holding your breath?

Then when you ‘get it; and take the stabilisers off, you can ride anywhere and do anything YOU want.

This is your gateway to embodied freedom, and just like learning to ride a bike or drive a car - learning the theory is one thing, but actual road experience is where its at - this is your opportunity to trust yourself off piste!

Got Questions?

I've got answers

The more you embody your design, the more you magnetise the life that you truly desire. 

- The less you’ll leak or give your power away.
- The less you’ll prostitute yourself for love, money and attention
- The more you’ll model this to your loved ones and change the world ripple by ripple with you leading the way...

The world needs us empowered, embodied and fully expressed.

This is not something that can be done by bot or AI

This is something that you can actually do to make a difference.

The best time to start was yesterday, the second best time is now.

There will never be the perfect time, in fact this is the first perspective shift that you get to make - acting from a place of knowing, trusting and believing this now is the perfect time.

Because you are here, reading this, desiring to affirm your true nature and model having the instinctual tools to counterbalance or alchemise in the moment.

The only thing that will stop you from having success is you.

If your commitment wavers, notice it- acknowledge it with compassion and love and pick yourself up and get back on the path.

Its 6 weeks, you can do six weeks.
If it gets uncomfortable, you have the group and the energy of my WILL centre to keep you going.

The world needs us empowered, embodied and fully expressed.

This is not something that can be done by bot or AI

This is something that you can actually do to make a difference.

The best time to start was yesterday, the second best time is now.

There will never be the perfect time, in fact this is the first perspective shift that you get to make - acting from a place of knowing, trusting and believing this now is the perfect time.

Because you are here, reading this, desiring to affirm your true nature and model having the instinctual tools to counterbalance or alchemise in the moment.

The only thing that will stop you from having success is you.

If your commitment wavers, notice it- acknowledge it with compassion and love and pick yourself up and get back on the path.

Its 6 weeks, you can do six weeks.
If it gets uncomfortable, you have the group and the energy of my WILL centre to keep you going.

Its time to

Embody Your Design

Pay Monthly

  • sprint Video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (EM)power Pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle  
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £222 x 12


Pay in Full

  • sprint video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (em)power pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle 
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £2664 


Its time to

Embody Your Design

Pay Monthly

  • sprint Video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (EM)power Pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle  
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £222 x 12


Pay in Full

  • sprint video Transmissions
  • Home Play Experiments
  • Live alchemy calls
  • Telegram Group
    [total £1332]
  • BONUS: The (em)power pack
    [VALUE £250]
  • Come to 1, 2, 3 or 4 sprints a year (as you want)
    [VALUE £3996]
  • 12 months access to The Maven Haven inner Circle 
    [VALUE £3432]
Total = £9010

Total Saving = £6346

Your Investment = £2664