The 'Misfit to Maven™' Journey

Is my signature program. The title of my book, and the journey I have lived.

For the Journey of a Lifetime

You're going to need a compass and a map

Step one = YOUR missing COMPASS

Step two = YOUR missing MAP

Get started

Misfit to Maven®️ is the journey of a lifetime, one that will initiate you into  inner validation, unshakable self trust and the tools to live a life as unique and extraordinary as you are, that genuinely feels as good on the inside as it perhaps looks on the outside. To go from feeling like you never quite fit, to feeling successful, satisfied, at peace and delighted by life!

Misfit to Maven (Book)

If you are a Creative, Innovator, Healer, Mystic or Activist who wants to live a 360-degree life where there is space and time to work, rest and play Misfit to Maven is for you.

The pages of this book will give you...

  • Confidence in your choices, knowing with certainty what is right for you.
  • More time, money and confidence so that you can live to your greatest potential NOW.
  • Creative freedom AND financial stability (because they don't have to be mutually exclusive
Learn more about the Book

The Value Filter™

Your Value Filter acts as your compass, it reveals your true north and your true purpose in life.

  • It gives you clarity and a deep understanding of what really drives you enabling you to make the right decisions quickly, and with ease.
  • It's your own personal internal compass, guiding you back to your unique True North.
  • Its a healing tool, and the most valuable diagnostic tool you'll ever find.
Learn more about the Value Filter

M2M: The Fundamentals

Over the last ten years, this program has had many names and formats. The very first time I launched it, way back in 2014 before my book was published, I Initially I called it "80 days to Ahhh."

The principles have remained the same, the content has been continuously deepened and iterated so that while useful for neurodiverse self-employed folks; its really centred around the internal and external work of the 8 Pillars of Practice that make up The Misfit to Maven Way.

You'll discover the exact things you need to do in order to live a fully expressed, unconventional, rich & purposeful life, full of joy and freedom.

You’ll learn:

  • The journey that every successful, sovereign Misfit goes on in order to find clarity, stability, and confidence so that you can short-cut the learning curve.
  • The mistakes and obstacles that keep 90% of people stuck tied to mainstream life; overworking, over-giving, and under-receiving (and how to overcome them.)

NB: When you sign up for Misfit to Maven: The Fundamentals you get The Value Filter for free.

Find out More...

The Maven Haven®️

Our community space + ongoing group container ... with friendship, peer support, generative conversation and camaraderie plus direct access to support from me.

Mystical / Magical / Misfits





MAVEN: A trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. An expert by experience. one who understands. A person who can hold move than one truth at the same time and is accepting of themselves and others.

Find out more.

The Manual of Me®ď¸Ź

Exercises and prompts to help you be the best you, you can be. Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally + Spiritually.


  • A version of The Value Filter Process
  • 'Don't go to the Butcher for Flowers' - a fun exercise that will make your relationships 1000 times better!
  • Personal Manifesto
  • How to Alchemise beliefs
  • Cycle Tracker
  • Money Tracker
  • Place to keep everything you learn about yourself on your personal growth journey

Each book is designed to last you 10 years.

Find out more.

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