Maven Numerology

2 monthly payments of £222.00 GBP

Learn how to decode and embody the secret language of the Universe.

You have the power to decode personalised, specific and important messages from Source about your Soul Contract and learn how to embody it with Maven Numerology.

What you'll get:

  • Seven 60-minute masterclasses (plus one recorded Q&A)
  • Lifetime access to Maven Numerology and bonuses:
  • Access to monthly community call to ask questions.
  • Opportunity to add on you own bespoke Maven Numerology reading at checkout for £222.

(Splitting your payment means you will be automatically charged in one month from today's payment.)

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Add on your own reading by a certified Maven Numerologist. They will provide you with an in-depth report of your numbers, what each of them means, how they interact together and with you, and offer suggestions on how you can better align with your soul purpose.